The Government of Alberta
maintains the Online Permitting and Clearance System (OPAC)
for applying for
Historical Resources Act
approval for development projects and permits to undertake archaeological or palaeontological studies or
to conduct research or collection within Alberta Parks and Protected Areas or for Wildlife research.
The Government of Alberta is committed to providing our
OPAC website visitors with the information and
services they are seeking in a manner that respects their privacy. This page summarizes how the
OPAC website will be managed in accordance with
the rules established in the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
(FOIP) Act.
The OPAC website provides
individuals with the opportunity to voluntarily provide limited amounts of personal information
to register on the site and to apply for a clearance or permit. To register on the site, you will
be asked to provide your business contact information, which includes your name, employer/affiliation,
mailing address, telephone, email address and a password that you would like to use to secure
access to your information on the site. The Government of Alberta has taken every precaution to
safeguard the personal information you provide to us and ensure that it is used appropriately.
The personal information that you provide on the system will be
used for communicating with you concerning your application and for billing purposes.
It is collected by the Government of Alberta under the authority of section 33(c) of the
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
(FOIP) Act and is
protected by the privacy provisions of that Act.
A cookie is a file that is placed on your hard drive with
your temporary internet files while you are visiting a website. We use cookies
to track how visitors use our site. We do not store personal information in
cookies, nor do we collect personal information from you without your knowledge
as you browse this site. We do use cookies to aid in the collection of anonymous
statistical information such as browser type, screen size, traffic patterns and
pages visited. This information is then used to improve our service to you. If you wish,
you may change the settings on your web browser to deny cookies or to warn you when cookies
will be deposited.
When you visit the OPAC
website, our web server automatically collects a limited amount of standard
information necessary for the operation and evaluation of the website. This information includes:
- the page from which you arrived,
- the date and time of your page request,
- the IP address your computer is using to receive information,
- the type and version of your browser, and
- the name and size of the file you request.
This information helps us assess our information services, and is
used only for this purpose. This information is not used to identify individuals
who visit the website. None of this information is disclosed to other public bodies or individuals.
The government computer system uses software to monitor unauthorized
attempts to upload or change information, or damage the service we provide. No attempt
is made to identify users or their usage patterns except during law enforcement investigations.
If you register on the site, you are responsible for selecting, securing and
changing your password to protect the information in your account.
OPAC contains links to
other websites. The Government of Alberta is not responsible for the content
and privacy practices of other websites you may visit after you enter the
OPAC website. You should review the
privacy statement each time you submit personal information on a website.