
The Government of Alberta has made every effort to make this website accessible and easy to use for everyone, no matter which web browser you choose to use, and whether or not you have any disabilities.

This website was specifically designed to take into account visitors who are visually impaired or blind. It is compatible with popular screen reading software. Also, this website was designed for those who for a variety of reasons may not be able to use a mouse. This website can be navigated using the keyboard on your computer or using other assistive devices.

Software You Might Need

Some documents on this website are available in a PDF format. Adobe Acrobat is needed to open these files. Acrobat is available to download at no charge from Adobe. The download itself may be quite large for some (between 8MB to 16MB) so check to see if it is already available on your computer.

PDF files can be very accessible to readers with visual or physical disabilities. Adobe provides an excellent guide to using PDF documents.

Contact Us for Help

While we make every effort to keep all content on this website accessible to all visitors, please do contact us for help if you find any information on this website that you cannot access.